ELLIPAL is a leader of air-gapped cold wallets that store, send, swap and grow over 10,000 coins and tokens offline. Learn more about the features, benefits and products of …

Using ELLIPAL Titan Wallet

Accessing Your Wallet

  • Power On: To access your wallet, power on the ELLIPAL Titan by pressing the power button.

  • Enter PIN: Enter your PIN code on the device's touchscreen to unlock your wallet.

Managing Your Assets

  • View Balances: Once logged in, you can view the balances of your cryptocurrencies directly on the device's screen.

  • Send Cryptocurrency: To send cryptocurrency, select the option on the device, enter the recipient's address, specify the amount, and confirm the transaction on the touchscreen.

  • Receive Cryptocurrency: To receive cryptocurrency, navigate to the receive option on the device to display your wallet address. Share this address with the sender to receive funds.

Security Measures

  • Offline Storage: ELLIPAL Titan keeps your private keys offline, minimizing exposure to online threats.

  • Tamper-Proof Design: The wallet is designed to detect any physical tampering attempts, ensuring the integrity of your device and security of your assets.

  • End-to-End Encryption: All transactions and communications with the ELLIPAL Titan Wallet are encrypted, further protecting your data and transactions.

Additional Features

  • Multi-currency Support: Besides major cryptocurrencies, ELLIPAL Titan supports a wide range of altcoins, enhancing its versatility.

  • User-Friendly Interface: The device's touchscreen interface makes navigation and operation straightforward, even for users new to hardware wallets.

Security Best Practices

  • Store Seed Phrase Securely: Keep your mnemonic phrase (recovery seed) offline in multiple secure locations, such as a safe or safety deposit box.

  • Regular Updates: Stay updated with the latest firmware releases for ELLIPAL Titan Wallet to benefit from security enhancements and new features.

  • Beware of Phishing: Verify URLs and only interact with official ELLIPAL websites and applications to avoid phishing attempts.

Last updated